
[주식회사 이안] 미국 법인 IAAN, INC. 에서 회계 행정관리직 (법인) 및 통역(삼성사업장) 모집합니다.

2023-09-15 16:30
Business Management Staff (U.S. Local Recruitment)
IAAN, INC. is looking for a full-time Business Management Staff to join.
We seek a highly passionate individual who would lead the future value in IAAN, INC., specializing in global Digital-Twin. Since 2011, the foundation year of IAAN, INC., we have led the “Industrial Metaverse.” in the high-tech industry field and exclusively occupy the market share in the 3D-based virtual design industry. This opportunity will interest you if you want to gain unrivaled exposure to various areas within a high-growth business alongside talented team members.

❑ Job description
• Process and prepare the document for CPA, such as business or government salary/tax report forms, etc.
• Collaborate across (Respond to the request form) HQ Accounting team in Korea.
• Monitor and maintain the office environment.
• Manage the recruitment/hiring process by administering the background check process and ensuring an accurate new hire process for employees and contractors.
• Manage the personnel files of executives and employees, including employment and resignation.
• Support the tasks of the General Affairs Division
• Organize and update the documents and data.
• Manage the real estate of the corporate and the contract of company cars.
• Manage the assets and order office supplies as needed.
• Manage and assist in Site (Samsung Taylor Semiconductor 5D Team)

❑ Required qualifications for new employee/career
• Status: U.S. citizenship or permanent resident
• Education: Associate degree, advanced education helpful
• Experience: new employee or 3+ years of experience if you are applying as career staff
• Competencies: Microsoft office(Excel, Word, PPT) or Pages, Keynote

❑ Preferred qualification
• Fluent in oral and written English communication.
• Certificates related to the competencies.

❑ Recruitment Process
• Submission of the resume -> Job interview -> Acceptance notice

❑ Work Location
• Austin, TX (701 FM 685N Ste 430, IAAN, INC.)
Note: Online applications are accepted only

❑ Applying
• Required Application Materials: Cover letter, Resume.
• Contact Name: Casper Kang | Contact Email: dongshin.kang@iaaninc.com | Contact Phone: (737) 285-9877

❑ Recruitment Period
• Close upon completion of employment

❑ Benefit
• Health Coverage (Dental, Vision, Etc.,)
• Paid Vacation and Sick Leave and Holidays
• And more…

❑ Schedule
• Full-time schedule. Monday through Friday, 8:00a.m. – 5:00p.m. More details upon interview
Total 0

Total 3,829
Number Title Author Date Votes Views
★★ 로컬 구인/구직/과외 게시판 이용안내 ★★ (53)
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New Samsung Care Parts Inventory Associate (1)
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New [과외/레슨] 제2외국어(한국어-AAPPL/ UT high credit) 와 한국 국어교과, 논술 수업을 시작합니다.
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New [구인] 조지타운 스시식당 (ICHIRO Asian Bistro & Wine Bar) 에서 함께 일하실 분을 구합니다
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New [구인] Jellish 배쓰 파우더 - Sales 및 Marketing 인원 모집 공고
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[구인] Iron Fish Sushi & Grill에서 함께 일할 가족을 구합니다.
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Iron Fish Sushi & Grill 에서 함께 일할 가족을 구합니다.
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[구인] Iron Fish Sushi & Grill에서 함께 일하실 Chef님을 구합니다.
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HEB 스시바에서 핫푸드 셰프 구합니다
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[구인] HEB 스시바 직원 구합니다.
가을이 | 2024.12.15 | Votes 0 | Views 154
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펫시터구하시는분, 강아지 돌봐드립니다:)
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Heb sushi구인광고
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[구인] ⛳️ DR. GOLF STUDIO에서 함께 일하실 분(프로/파트타임)을 찾습니다.
drgolfstudio | 2024.12.09 | Votes 0 | Views 191
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베이비시터, 펫시터(믿음직한 내니)
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[구인] Job Posting: Paran America, Inc. - Onsite management and Interpretation
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[과외/레슨] 어른들을 위한 영어 개인레슨 with JM한시간 무료수업 신청하고 영어공부 시작하기
locrian7 | 2024.12.06 | Votes 0 | Views 266
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베이비 시터 구합니다
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[과외/레슨] 플룻 레슨합니다
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[구인] SEMES AMERICA, INC. Clean Field Service Engineer 채용 공고 (Malta, NY) – Bilingual
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[구인] Hitunes Karaoke
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[구인] Job Posting: Paran America, Inc. - Onsite management and Interpretation
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소하헤어에서 디자이너샘 모십니다:)
오키도키미키 | 2024.12.03 | Votes 0 | Views 220
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[과외/레슨] 비대면 교육 입시 설명회 | 학원가에서 절대 공개하지 않는 정보
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[구인] Job Posting: Paran America, Inc. - Onsite management and Interpretation
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골프레슨 + 스크린 골프 (Golfinity 멤버쉽 / Trackman 하루 4시간씩 이용가능)
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[과외/레슨] 학교 수학 고민끝! 오픈 개인지도 $25/시간 부터
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스시쉐프 구합니다.
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[구인] Samsung Care Parts Inventory Associate
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한인 중년 여성 건강 증진을 위험 연구 참여자 모집 안내($150, Fitbit제공)
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[구인] 테니스 개인레슨 선생님 구합니다.
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[과외/레슨] 피아노 레슨합니다. (1)
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[구인] 오스틴 물류 기업에서 Logistics Business Operator (Sr. Staff) 채용합니다.
HannahP4N | 2024.11.15 | Votes 0 | Views 653
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[구인] 찬양대(성가대) 반주자 구합니다
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[구인] [Paran America, Inc] Job openings for 2024 - Onsite management and Interpretation
PARANUSA | 2024.11.13 | Votes 0 | Views 491
PARANUSA 2024.11.13 0 491
High school Sophomore chemistry 과외 해주실분 구합니다
Barbie | 2024.11.12 | Votes 0 | Views 342
Barbie 2024.11.12 0 342
[구인] HANYANGENG_General Office Assistant 채용 공고
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[구인] [Georgetown, TX] 회계, 생산, 영업 신입/경력직 모집합니다
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[구인] [Prime Choice Solution]삼성 Taylor 현장 Project Assistant 구합니다 (Bilingual)
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[구인] MILAEBO USA INC 에서 Technician 채용 합니다.
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[구인] Job Posting: Paran America, Inc.
PARANUSA | 2024.11.04 | Votes 0 | Views 614
PARANUSA 2024.11.04 0 614
[구인] Miyo 일본 레스토랑에서 키친 스태프 구인중에 있습니다
sophieohnn | 2024.11.02 | Votes 0 | Views 579
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[구인]  [장기 통역] 한국어/일어, 한국어/영어 가능하신분 채용합니다.
Ted Kim | 2024.11.02 | Votes 0 | Views 669
Ted Kim 2024.11.02 0 669
[구인] 오스틴 물류 기업에서 Logistics Business Operator (Sr. Staff) 채용합니다.
HannahP4N | 2024.11.01 | Votes 0 | Views 565
HannahP4N 2024.11.01 0 565
[구인] HEB내 스시바에서 일 도와주실 분 구합니다.
blue | 2024.10.31 | Votes 0 | Views 672
blue 2024.10.31 0 672
[구인] 6세 남아 돌봐주실 분 구합니다 (Round Rock)
David Kang | 2024.10.30 | Votes 0 | Views 673
David Kang 2024.10.30 0 673
[과외/레슨] 영어 & 수학 선행 클래스 수업 ($12.50/시간 부터)
apluscube | 2024.10.29 | Votes 0 | Views 483
apluscube 2024.10.29 0 483
[과외/레슨] 피아노 레슨합니다
grape | 2024.10.27 | Votes 0 | Views 542
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